Meet our new App: ColorLife Inspiración!We expanded its functions, we integrated 2,146 colors and a section in which you will find the color trends of the month. Choose photos...
Comex Trends 2022 | Trend: ProfundoThe Profundo trend creates spaces for moments of clarity and reflection. Stimulates the mind as its tones are focused towards a more...
Comex TRENDS 2022 | Trend: AbrazoIf your mantra is "All you need is love" this #ComexTrends2022 proposal is perfect for you. Hug is an empathic and healing trend that...
Meet the color of the year 2022 at Comex TRENDSNew Esmalte Comex 100 Total with quick application, with more than 3,500 colors, maximum technology, which has the exact combination of...